
Quarterly Engagement with Civil Society: CAO’s Advisory Work

08 Feb 2023
CSO Roundtable

Quarterly Engagement with Civil Society: CAO’s Advisory Work

In February, CAO hosted a roundtable for civil society organizations (CSOs) focused on its advisory work related to remedy and responsible exit. The hybrid session, which participants joined in-person and online, invited comments, questions, and feedback on two new CAO advisory publications, The Role of Dispute Resolution in Remedy and Responsible Exit: Discussion and Practice in Development Finance Institutions and Beyond. 

During the meeting, participants discussed their inputs to the upcoming public consultations on IFC/MIGA's proposed Approach to Remedial Action, while CAO shared key findings and recommendations from its ongoing analysis on the topic. 

The roundtable is part of a series of quarterly engagements that CAO is conducting with CSOs to discuss its work and topics of interest. The following roundtable took place during the World Bank Group/IMF Spring Meetings in April 2023.

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