Effectiveness Reviews

External reviews of CAO’s work have been conducted periodically by independent experts to assess our effectiveness and enhance our processes.

Old Man

CAO Self Assessment Report - FY2023, FY2024

In FY22, CAO utilized the self-assessment tool from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) "Remedy in Development Finance" report to evaluate its effectiveness against a series of indicators based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This tool helps CAO assess its effectiveness and serves as a benchmark as its procedures evolve under the CAO Policy implemented in July 2021. 

CAO used a qualitative approach for this assessment and, in FY23, aimed to enhance data collection on stakeholder perceptions and engagements with IFC and MIGA. The FY24 update of the self-assessment demonstrates a greater level of alignment with OHCHR standards, thanks to the introduction of conflict-of-interest procedures to guide staff recruitment and mobility, as well as an independent review of CAO’s approach to managing threats and reprisals. 

FY2023 Self-Assessment Report 

FY2024 Self-Assessment Report 

External Review 2019-2020

In 2019, the Boards of IFC and MIGA initiated an External Review of IFC and MIGA's Environmental and Social Accountability, including CAO's Role and Effectiveness. The review will consider the respective roles of the Board, management and CAO, including the governance and effectiveness of CAO comprising CAO’s three functions (Dispute Resolution, Compliance, and Advisory), the role of IFC and MIGA and their clients in identifying, mitigating and responding to concerns regarding adverse environmental and social impacts of the business activities each finances or insures, and the oversight function of the Board. More information about the External Review process, including the team of experts convened to conduct the Review is available here.


Past Reviews

CAO has initiated three independent reviews of its effectiveness since the Office was established in 1999.  The reviews have focused on whether CAO is delivering on its mandate, identifying CAO's strengths, and areas for improvement.  The CAO reviews were conducted by independent experts and sought input from CAO's diverse stakeholders. CAO has used the reviews to improve the effectiveness of its work, specifically delivering on its mandate through its three main roles—the dispute resolution, compliance, and advisory functions.

A summary of the CAO external effectiveness reviews, as well as the full reports, are available in the links below:

Summary of CAO's Three External Effectiveness Reviews, May 2012

Internal Review of CAO Terms of Reference, Operational Guidance and Operational Practices, October 2010

A Retrospective Analysis of CAO Interventions Trends, Outcomes and Effectiveness, May 2006

Beyond Compliance? An External Review Team Report on the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman Office of IFC and MIGA, July 2003

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