CAO delivers on its mandate through three complementary functions:

  • Dispute Resolution
    Group 10 Created with Sketch.

    Dispute Resolution

    CAO helps resolve issues raised about the E&S impacts of IFC/ MIGA projects through a neutral, collaborative, problem-solving approach and contributes to improved outcomes on the ground.

  • Compliance


    CAO carries out reviews of IFC/ MIGA compliance with E&S policies, assesses related harm, and recommends remedial actions to address noncompliance and harm where appropriate.

  • Advisory


    CAO provides advice to IFC/MIGA and their Boards with the purpose of improving IFC’s/MIGA’s systematic performance on E&S sustainability and reducing the risk of harm.


Our Process

Assessment Complaint Received Transfer Case Case Closed Advisory Dispute Resolution Dispute Resolution Monitoring Appraisal Investigation Monitoring Compliance Ineligible (case closed) Eligibility Agreement Reached? Agreement Implemented? Merits an Investigation? In compliance? Dispute Resolution or Compliance Yes Yes Insights from CAO cases contribute to the development of Advisory work Yes Yes Compliance implemented? Yes No No Yes No No

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Operational Guidelines

Cases Center

Using data, we gather and analyze big-picture insights from our cases to catalyze learning and help enhance development impact, particularly on environmental and social issues around the world.

Cases Center

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