Complaints filed to CAO may concern environmental and social harm regarding any aspect of the planning, implementation, or impact of an IFC or MIGA project or related sub-project.
CAO has three eligibility criteria for accepting a complaint: i) the complaint pertains to an active IFC/MIGA project; ii) it raises environmental and social concerns; and iii) the complainant is, or may be, affected by the harm mentioned in the complaint. Once a complaint is deemed eligible, CAO will initiate an assessment unless the complainant chooses to refer the complaint to IFC/MIGA or the client for early resolution.
Eligible Complaints
Complaint raises concerns connected with the land acquisition process for the project. Following the expropriation process for part of her land, the complainant was left with two parcels on either side of the highway, both entirely in the highway protection zone.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint alleges negative environmental and social impacts including forced eviction, impacts on livelihood and lack of adequate stakeholder consultation, air and water pollution, community health, safety and security, lack of access to children’s education, safety and welfare, gender-based violence, climate impacts and impacts on cultural heritage.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
IFC MLF & MIFA Debt Fund-04
Complaint alleges negative social impacts including possible loss or decrease of livelihood, threats and intimidation by project employees and decrease in children’s education.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint alleges negative social impacts including possible loss or decrease of livelihood, threats and intimidation by project employees and decrease in food supply for family.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint alleges negative social impacts including possible loss or decrease of livelihood, threats and intimidation by project employees and decrease in children’s education.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint alleges negative social impacts including possible loss or decrease of livelihood, loss of land, threats and intimidation by project employees and decrease in children’s education.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint raises concerns including increased pollution from urea fertilizer transportation and production; negative impacts on community health, safety, and security; inadequate stakeholder engagement and improper public consultation; community access to employment opportunities; and IFC’s non-compliance with the Sustainability Framework.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint raises PS1 & PS2 concerns and in particular: issues related to non-renewal of contract, and threats and retaliation for accessing the projects’ grievance mechanism.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint raises PS1 & PS6 concerns, in particular: adverse impacts on biodiversity, specifically migratory birds, including transboundary impacts.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Allegations of unfair treatment and other labor issues.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Complaint raises several E&S issues particularly: lack of information and consultation, loss of land and income, destruction of crops and impacts on agricultural land, and , insufficient compensation.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Update: In August 2024, CAO's assessment concluded that the planned transmission line does not relate to an active IFC/MIGA project.
Complaint raises numerous labor/PS2 concerns, specifically in relation to working conditions and terms of employment, workers organizations, Non-discrimination, retaliation/grievance mechanism, occupational health and safety.
The complaint met all 3 eligibility criteria: (1) relates to an active IFC project (2) raises environmental and social issues regarding the project (3) complainants may be affected by the harm alleged.
Assessment - Case Paused
Once a complaint is deemed eligible, complainants may choose to refer their complaint to IFC/MIGA or the client for an attempt at early resolution. CAO will only refer complaints to IFC, MIGA, or the client with the complainants' consent. Complainants may notify CAO at any time if they wish to resume the CAO process.