Uzbekistan: Zarafshan-04
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
CEE Bankwatch Network on behalf of the complainants, who requested confidentiality.
Biodiversity impacts include impacts on threatened bird species, a lack of cumulative impact assessment, effective impact mitigation measures, due diligence, and retaliation.
Project Information
$USD 75 million A Loan
IFC has an active project consisting of the development, design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the 500MW Zarafshan wind power plant located in the Navoi region of Uzbekistan under the terms of a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement with the JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU), the state-owned single buyer and off-taker. The wind power plant will comprise of up to 111 wind turbine generators.
In March 2024, CAO received a complaint submitted by CEE Bankwatch Network on behalf of confidential complainants, raising concerns about: (i) improper turbine placement near threatened bird species' nests; (ii) disregard for a comprehensive nest survey and lack of consultation with local communities or environmental experts; (iii) failure to assess cumulative impacts of other wind projects; (iv) insufficient information on potential impacts and mitigation measures in the ESIA; and (v) lack of due diligence.
In May 2024, CAO found the complaint eligible for assessment. During the assessment, the parties agreed to participate in a dispute resolution process, and the case was transferred to CAO’s Dispute Resolution function in September 2024. The Assessment Report is available in English.
The case is in dispute resolution. Status as of September 30, 2024.