CAO Mediator Toolkit

This Toolkit forms part of the resources developed by the CAO to provide guidance on the dispute resolution processes, including CAO’s Reflections from Practice Series. The Toolbox, including the Guiding Principles, apply to all consultants appointed by CAO as mediators to assist in handling of complaints (Mediator). All Mediators are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the contents of this Toolbox. They compliment the terms and conditions contained in CAO Mediator contracts and do not in any way limit the responsibilities the Mediator may have, under any other code of ethics, national or international legislation, or professional association to which the Mediator subscribes.
Online Induction Course for Mediators
CAO updated its online induction course for mediators. The course is an educative and interactive learning course which aims to ensure that Mediators contracted to work on complainants understand the CAO and its role within the World Bank. The course uses quizzes, game based techniques, videos and text to explain the Mediators’ role and the role of other actors involved in the complaint handling process. It also provides resources to support Mediators in effectively handling a CAO complaint.
Enrollment link on Open Learning Campus (Registration Required)