Jordan: Masdar Baynouna-01/East Amman
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
Community member
Environmental & social management, stakeholder engagement and redress, livelihood, employment
Project Information
US$97.25 million A and B loans
Baynouna Solar Energy Company is developing, financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a 200 MWac (approximately 242 MWp) solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Jordan, located 30 km southeast of Amman. The company has a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement with the Jordanian National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) to sell all generated electricity. IFC is supporting the project with up to $97.25 million in A and B loans. The majority shareholder of Baynouna Solar Energy Company is Masdar, which owns a 70% stake in the company.
In February 2020, CAO received a complaint from a local community member in East Amman, Jordan. The complaint highlighted concerns about the Company’s execution of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), and the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). It also raised issues regarding the company’s failure to establish an effective project-level grievance mechanism, appoint a “Community Liaison Officer” chosen by the community, and provide adequate employment opportunities and livelihood restoration for local residents.
In March 2020, CAO found the complaint eligible and began its assessment. During the assessment process, the complainant and the company agreed to participate in a voluntary CAO dispute resolution process to address the issues raised. In accordance with CAO Policy, the case was transferred to CAO’s Dispute Resolution function in August, 2020. The Assessment Report is available in Arabic and English.
By February 2022, CAO had concluded its Dispute Resolution process. Despite the efforts of all parties to resolve the issues, a final agreement was not reached, and the case was transferred to the Compliance function. The Conclusion Report is available in Arabic and English.
In May 2022, CAO completed its compliance appraisal and determined that an investigation was warranted regarding the issues raised in the complaint, particularly concerning land-based livelihoods and access to land and natural resources, among other concerns. The Appraisal Report is available in both Arabic and English.
A compliance investigation is in process. The Terms of Reference for the investigation in English and Arabic and a communique about the case are available under the "Case Documents" section below.
Status as of February 5, 2023